
R03-0902-04 肩黒墨のきまった模様が抜群!段物大正三色 Danmoyo with excellent pattern of Kata kuro zumi! 種類・ Breeds 大正三色 Taisho sans […]...


R03-0902-03 丸点の段物!肩黒墨の決まった大正三色 Round “Hi” pattern Danmoyo! and Very good Kata “kuro” z […]...


Final selection of year-old carp part 1 春に生まれた鯉の最終選別をしました。 今回は前編(大正三色)です。 The final selection of carp born in […]...


R03-0902-02 墨質抜群!面割れの決まった昭和 Showa sanshoku with excellent sumishitu and nice menware! 種類・ Breeds 昭和三色 Showa sa […]...


R03-0902-01 背中の白地がとても印象的!頭部の黒墨が決め手です。 Impressive shiroji and Kurozumi on the head is decisive factor! 種類・ Bree […]...

T氏の立池放養 後編

Tateike stocking of Mr,T part 2 This is Mr. T’s stocking of Tateike, one of the customers of Takeda Koi […]...


R03-0729-04 もう少し仕上げれば、即品評会へ! She or he is almost ready for shows, just a little bit more finishing is required […]...


R03-0729-03 丸天四段緋模様!墨が決まればいいかんじ! 4 dan round Hi patterns! she or he will grow nice and beautifully if the sumi […]...

T氏の立池放養 前編

Tateike stocking of Mr,T part 1 This is Mr. T’s stocking of Tateike, one of the customers of Takeda Koi […]...


R03-0729-02 抜群の緋模様!これに墨があがってきたら文句なし。 Outstanding Hi pattern! She or he is perfect if the Sumi quality and patt […]...