4,5,6歳の池揚げ 2022
今回は4,5,6歳鯉の池揚げの完全版です。 This is the harvest of 4,5,6-year-old koi full version....
5歳池揚げ 2022
今回は5歳鯉の池揚げの完全版です。 This is the harvest of 5-year-old carp full version....
R04-0317-11 体格のしっかりした四段緋模様 Good physique with Yonda Hi Moyo 90㎝台が見込める逸品 A masterpiece that can be expected to […]...
R04-0317-09 形が良く大きな体格 Well shaped and big physique! 白地の上にのったバランスの良い緋模様が魅力の紅白です。 Kohaku has a well-balanced ”Hi […]...
R04-0317-06 体格抜群の白写り Shirouturi with outstanding physique この白地に現れる墨の仕上がりに乞うご期待!! High expectations for the Shi […]...
R04-0317-05 丸点の三段模様! Look at her beautiful Marutenn and Sandan! 美しい白地に現れる墨の出方に期待!! Enjoy the possibilities how […]...